Our Impact

In 2023, the challenged of COVID-19 we still present, but we saw some exciting new developments across our programs. Based on community feedback, we revamped our staffing structure to support a return to fully in-person format, reduced the total time commitment and transportation burden on participants and volunteers, expanded out summer programs offerings, and worked to focus our curriculum on building core skills identified by youth leadership as high priority for development! In-person activities got more youth outside and gave them the opportunity to connect with their community through snowboarding lessons and service projects. Weekly virtual workshops covered a range of social justice topics, such as self-care, undoing oppression, the environment, and food justice. 

From January through May 2023, Core Program (CP) gave youth the opportunity to experience:

  • 62+ hours of snowboarding trips 
  • 16+ hours of service in the community 
  • 28+ hours of social justice workshops (CP)
  • 100 hours of summer outdoor & environmental justice workshops
  • 40+ hours of Peer Leadership training
  • 50 hours of other tSB sponsored activities & events
  • Total: Almost 300 hours in community

Read the full 2023 Impact Report

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View past reports

2023 Impact Report

2022 Impact Report

2021 Impact Report

2020 Impact Report

2019 Impact Report

2018 Impact Report

2017 Impact Report

Youth Stories