Dearest tSB Community,
I’m writing today with sincere appreciation, abundant love and humble confidence to share that I will be transitioning out of my role as Executive Director at the Service Board over the next few months to pursue new career opportunities that have recently presented themselves.
While this has been a hard decision, tSB could not be in a better place. Finances are healthy, our incredible staff team is rock solid and core program 2017 is already filling up. Additionally, our board and community are wrapping up a 6 month long inclusive strategic planning process that will position the new leadership to carry us into our next unified and bold chapter.
Serving as the Executive Director at the Service Board for the last two years has been the greatest honor and privilege of my personal and professional life. I am so very grateful for all the relationships I have built-the tSB prophets who are literally changing our world, the mentors and volunteers who pour their hearts and love into our community, donors who believe in our mission and show up year after year, and the board and staff who work their hardest to ensure tSB continues to be the impactful and life changing organization we have always been.
Despite my career taking a new direction, my support of and belief in tSB are not. I will forever champion tSB’s cause and I am so grateful I can continue to see you all at program happenings, events and out and about in Seattle.
Alex Okerman
Executive Director

Dear Everyone,
As Alex moves into his next chapter, we’re grateful to him for taking the Service Board to new heights. No really–under Alex, tSB launched New Heights, a program dedicated to continuing engagement with tSB youth after high school. Alex has been a strong leader, supporting the staff, the board, and most importantly, the youth with his endless energy, focus, and positivity. He’s amazed us all with his exhaustive fundraising efforts and he fearlessly oversaw a strategic planning process that has given us a five-year plan and decision framework. “The Alex Years” have been good indeed.
While it’s always sad to see a leader of Alex’s caliber go, he leaves us in very strong standing. Best of all, he leaves us with an interim director whom we are very excited about. Stepping into the role is Chiloe Barrera-Cloyd, who’s gained great strategic insight into tSB over the past two years in her role as Program Manager. She’s excited to “see the whole puzzle” by taking on broader responsibility. As a woman of color who participated in tSB as a youth, she understands the power of taking on this role, and hopes to begin a legacy of a leadership ladder through which our youth take more ownership of the organization. Chiloe wants to provide stability and a connection to the organization’s past and her historical knowledge will provide continuity as we enter a period of change.
At this point, our ED search is on schedule and running smoothly and we hope to announce a new ED in early 2017. We’ve curated a thoughtful balance of board members, staff, and community stakeholders who are working hard to steward the process.
tSB has been working its mission since 1995, fueled by the love and financial support of our community. Your ongoing support is as important as ever during the transition. The snow will soon be falling and we look forward to seeing you on the mountain!
Yours in community,
Mary Cadera
Board Chair