We here at the Service Board are big on our physical health and mental health. We thought it would be a great idea for us to have a stress less seminar. Stress a.k.a the silent killer cause more harm than we’d like to believe sometimes. As a youth in Seattle life can be quite stress just like any where else. School, grades, relationships, friends, family all that stressĀ piles up. So we organized a stress less day where we had yoga classes, to help build core strength and flexibility because when our tenses it causes stress. We also had a exercise class to get people feeling good about them selves and feeling fit. Exercising helps release tension. We lastly had a Meditation course to were all the youth and mentors and internes could just relax and not worry. We meditate to focus on positive vibes and stress free things. This is just some of the many things that we at tSB offer our youth. We support them and help build healthier life styles. We encourage youth to try new things and activities like yoga and meditation. #tSBepositive #tSBestressfree